Ayurveda can be defined as a system, which uses the inherent principles of nature, to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature. Ayurveda is an intricate system of healing that originated in India thousands of years ago. This system of medicine stressed on the prevention of body ailments in addition to curing them. Ayurveda is a system that helps maintain health in a person by using the inherent principles of nature to bring the individual backs into equilibrium with their true self.
Ayurveda is a holistic medical approach that considers both body and mind and their relationship to each other when diagnosing and treating a patient. The philosophy holds that we are all comprised of three essential abstract elements or properties, which Ayurveda refers to as doshas. The three doshas are: vata, pitta and kapha, and the degree to which each presides in us may determine our physical and mental characteristics.
Ayurveda views disease and physical ailments as imbalances in the three doshas, or the tridosha system as it is otherwise known. Treatment is therefore a means of rebalancing the system and reestablishing harmony in the body. The philosophy holds that this can be achieved through various techniques which include the consumption of Ayurvedic herbs, the administration of special forms of massage, the adaptation of a specific diet, the practice of yoga and regular exposure to certain elements of nature.
Ayurvedic practitioners can assist with specialized treatments, but patients need to be aware of the specifics of their own tridosha system and the elements of their lifestyle that can aggravate it, in order to ensure that further imbalances are not created. Ayurveda, the ancient traditional method of treatment involving combinations of herbal medicines, physical massages and various other forms of therapy, offers excellent remedies for many illnesses. Ayurvedic Therapies can be used to treat ailments like Anxiety, Arthralgia, Asthma, Back pain, Diabetes, Disc Prolapse, Diseases of the eye, Dislocation, Dystonia, Hemiplegia, Hypertension, Impotence, Infertility, Miscarriage, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc. Apart from treatment for these diseases it also offers therapy that rejuvenates the body and mind from the ills arising out of the frictions of everyday life.
Ashra Healthcare&Wellness Team can organize tailor made Ayurveda packages as per your requirements at your doorstep in India.